
Media Fast Forward at VRT #vrtforward

  On Thursday, December 8th, VRT Research and Innovation hosts Media Fast Forward, a yearly afternoon event, with more than 400 people, where they aim to present and discuss cutting-edge innovation in the media sector. Both internal VRT projects as well as international cases from BBC, TNO are given a stage. The main topics will […]

Great success of ImmersiaTV at NEM Summit and the activities organised in Porto.

ImmersiaTV has been touring in Porto for almost 5 days, showcasing and evaluating its first pilot, being present at NEM Summit 2016 with a booth and organising a session, and finally winning the Best Demo award, given by the NEM technical committee. Last week was very intense for ImmersiaTV as a result of the different activities organised in Porto. During […]


Tutorials Creating and editing immersive content is not an easy task. Thus, ImmersiaTV creates a set of tutorials to help creators when producing and editing immersive content. Video title Description Link ImmersiaTV Tutorial 1: Cleaning elements in 360º video footage When editing a 360º video, sometimes it is necessary to delete some elements that should not appear in the [...]


Work Packages & Deliverables Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 3 Content offer Adapt the production pipeline Re-design the distribution chain WP2: Requirements, format and creation of Immersive experiences WP3: Immersive Broadcast Platform WP3: Immersive Broadcast Platform D2.1 – End-User Requirements D2.2 – Professional User Requirements D2.3 – Content ideation, production scenarios D2.4 – Content Creation [...]