Dissemination material
ImmersiaTV is present in several events. All the communication and dissemination material used, will be made available (for download) in this section. Just click the images and learn more about our project. Of course, you can always get more information sending an email to us (info[at]immersiatv.eu).
Training session at Catholic University of Porto (UCP) November 2016 (Porto)
At UCP, ImmersiaTV conducted a hand-on session to train students, creatives, teachers and researchers from Porto on how to use the plug-in developed in the project, and the latest release of VideoStitch Studio, one of the leading stitching tools in the market. The support presentations are available below.
IBC September 2016 (Amsterdam)
IBC is one of the main events in Europe for content creators, producers and distributors. In 2016 ImmersiaTV was invited to showcase their demo and present the project at the EBU innovation booth. All dissemination material (flyers, presentations) are available here.
NEM SUMMIT March 2016 (Brussels)
The New European Media initiative organised a summit in Brussels, where ImmersiaTV was present with a poster and a presentation. Content created for that event is available in this section.