

AZilPix is a spin-off of Hasselt University and iMINDS (now IMEC), founded in December 2015. AZilPix is taking up the immersive video capture and stitching related duties of VideoStitch during the last months of the project. AZilPix offers a multi-camera video capture solution, named Studio.One, that is ideally suited for simultaneous immersive and conventional broadcasting, as addressed in this project. Earlier capture related R&D by iMINDS is already building upon the Studio.One architecture, and will be exploited through AZilPix. Studio.One needs some minor additions (to be realized during the last months of the project) to make it fit completely within the immersiaTV tool chain.

Role in the project

AZilPix will cooperate with other partners in a joined exploitation strategy, including permitting favorable conditions for redistribution by other partners whereas needed. AZilPix already works together with VRT in their sandbox program.